Thursday, October 30, 2014

Pretty in Pink! Interview and book review about Miss Pearl the Pekingese.

I would like to welcome two special guests to my blog.

My basset Matilda the Sock Monkey and a blog dog and author 
Miss Pearl the Pekingese
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Hello Miss Pearl.

1. Tell me a little bit about your theme song and lullaby. How did they come to be?

My Daddy and Mommy's friend Ren thought I needed a jingle so Mommy called her cousin Kevin Hupp who lives in NYC (he is music producer) and he spent 2 days in seclusion looking at my photos and when he emerged he created his masterpiece song, " Miss Pearl's Song". My song is so wholesome and upbeat, the guitar and drum work plus Kevin's voice makes this a fabulous piece of music. I love it, we play it all the time. Music is medicine. People of all ages tell me they can't get the lyrics out of their heads…mission accomplished.

2. How do you manage with all that hair?  
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I have a fabulous hairstylist who knows how to groom a show dog. Actually my hair only needs a brushing/comb out once a day to untangle any knots. It's not as hard as people think it would be. My breed was intended to look this way and I have a fabulous coat that protects me from sunburns and bug bites. I visit the groomer about once a month.

3.  3. What is it lie to ride in a buggy? 
 photo p3.jpgI was afraid the first time however Shoko assured me it was Ok. The view is so much better..I  observe things I would never see from the ground plus I stay clean and safe. I love to walk but I tucker very easy then I hop in the buggy. I love to take beauty naps in my buggy, it's very snuggly inside. Lots of people have commented on FaceBook how much they like the pictures of me in my buggy.

 4. What did you like the most about being a show dog? The least? 
Meeting people is the best part. To this day, I love to greet delivery & repair people. I did like
the attention but for the most part I enjoyed meeting so many cool dogs and people. I would say the
thing I liked the least was the non stop grooming, every hair has to be in place.

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5. What do you like most about being a mother?  
Obviously I love being a part of my little boy's life, we were apart for a few years and I missed him so much! He reminds me of my Daddy "Digby"who loved chasing balls too.

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6. What is your favorite treat?  
Dehydrated duckI love Oriental food!

7. I am a blog dog also. Tell us a little bit about What can dogs and their people find there?
We were very fortunate to obtain the domain but it is a work in progress! I wanted all of my family, friends of loved ones featured on there, so people could peek inside my world. I believe every dog has a story to tell so I hope all dogs will feel special & beautiful because they are!

8. Almost dying sounds horrible. My mom believes that life is all about the journey not the destination. You not only beat death, but helped your two legged mom do the same. 
I was declared dead when I was 5, the Vet told my previous owner  I had passed away! I guess they were all crying in the waiting room..thinking I had died, but when the Vet returned for my body, I was awake! I don't recall what happened, all I know is I fought to live and I fought hardI lost a lot of blood so I don't recall much.
I guess God had other plans for me. There was a woman (my Mommy now) who would be waiting for me.  She had cancer and her beloved sister Cathi was ready to go to heaven. My mommy cries every time she thinks what happened to me, she tells me how courageous I am. She tells me I rescued her because she doesn't think she could have made it without me. When my Aunt Cathi died, Shoko & I knew something was terribly wrong and we were so good, we were angels and didn't do anything to upset Mommy. We wanted to comfort her. Dogs are known for their devotion!
What if anything did you learn about life that would help other in a similar situation?
I know I am very strong & brave. I don't focus on events that went wrong in my life..I enjoy every second of my life and am so grateful for my blessings! I wrote in my book after my hysterectomy, I wagged my tail at Dr. Ruth. My secret is to life is "Wag your tail"! It's infectious.

9. What inspired you to write this book and can we look forward to any others?
I didn't focus too much about the sadness in my life because everybody has their fair share. I wanted to make people smile, nothing else. I love the camera and to ham it up, but I feel a special calling to showcase my breed, since we are so endangered by puppy mill breeders. Pekingese have an incredible history that dates way back, I would be sad if our ancient pedigrees were lost for future generations.

10. Now that you are a successful author, a show dog, a model, and a mother, what are your plans for the future? 
Lots! I am going to surprise everybody. 

Thank you for sharing this book with my mom and I.
My Mom's review of Miss Pearls book:
Diva Pearl the Pekingese Life after Showbiz By Miss Pearl and Vicki Gattuso
Diva Pearl Pekingese: Life After Show Biz for a PekingeseDiva Pearl Pekingese: Life After Show Biz for a Pekingese by Vicki Paul Gattuso
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a cute little book about a pink-loving Pekingese. Miss Pearl lives in South Carolina with her bug-eating son and adopted parents. She is a two time Best of Breed winner and is on the cover of the Orient Express. Despite almost dying during child birth, this little ball of fun fought against death and won. This experience has filled her with deep wisdom, which she has graciously decided to share with the rest of the world when she is not at the beach or on a stroll with her nanny Miss Jacquelyn. You can find her Pearls of Wisdom on her blog I found this little book to be a wonderful look at the life of a Pekingese and I think that Pearl is very lucky to be surrounded by so many people who love her.

All photos of Miss Pearl are provided by Vivki Paul Gattuso and used with permission.

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